Our Core Values
Welcome to MakanaLife.com!
In Hawaiian the word "makana" means gift…
At Makana, we believe that each of our lives is a gift from our creator.
At Makana, we believe our creator gifted us with this wonderful brain for a reason…to use and think for oneself and not to simply follow what others are doing and what others believe.
At Makana, we believe that it is important for each one of us to use this gift wisely and learn to love each other and our planet.
At Makana, we believe that health, happiness, love and abundance (HHLA) is within everyone’s reach if they so desire it and make an honest effort to facilitate change in one’s life.
At Makana, we are driven by a logical yet spiritual approach to life…with the understanding that all of us are connected…
At Makana, we embrace love to be our guiding principle and that each one of us is unique but at the same time not so different.
At Makana, we strive to practice mindful thought followed by present action as our proven method to create positive change in our present and future selves.
At Makana, we believe an open mind will prove more useful than a mind that already believes it has all the answers.
At Makana, we believe that everyone we connect with has something to teach us.
At Makana, we believe the role of science regarding nutrition is to confirm what we already believe is true is indeed true, or to prove what we believe is true is not true, or to find totally new things yet unknown to us.
At Makana a simple practice we apply regarding the science of nutrition is this:
“What is true about nutrition is not magic, and what is magic about nutrition is not true.”
With all this in mind, here is our invitation to you…
Try our wonderful line of products…every time you purchase a product, we will in turn be giving the gift of one meal to a needy child in the Philippines as part of your purchase.
At the same time, you will also be honoring yourself with our timeless products made with the finest natural ingredients on earth.
And please remember, you are not alone on the journey you're about to embark on. You have chosen to take the path that takes courage, commitment and learning to love one’s self as well as others.
And we are all here with you,
The whole Makana team, HHLA!